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Lagochilus platyacanthus var. microcalyx Zuckerw. TASH003783

OccurrenceID: TASH003783
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Lagochilus
Specific Epithet: platyacanthus
Infraspecific Epithet: microcalyx
Taxon Rank: variation
Species Name In Collection: Lagochilus platyacanthus var. microcalyx Zuckerw.
Scientific Name: Lagochilus platyacanthus var. microcalyx Zuckerw.
Locality: Центральный Тянь-Шань. Басс. р. Джумгол. В 4 км выше с. Арал по лев. бер. р. Джумгол. Пестроцветы. № 1298. 11.08.1974. Набиев, Пахомова, Казакбаев, Цукерваник, Махмедов
Record Number: 1298
Event Date: 1974-08-11 00:00:00
Phenological Stage: vegetation
Type Status: holotypus
Recorded By: Nabiev, Pachomova, Kazakbaev, Tzukervanik, Makhmedov
Country: Kyrgyzstan
Country Code: KG
Basis Of Record: Preserved specimen
Institution Code: Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Collection Code: TASH
Data set: Type Collection of the National Herbarium of Uzbekistan (TASH)