Liliopsida Asparagales Alliaceae Allium
Detailed information about the plant.
Beshko N.
Scientific name:
Allium aflatunense B. Fedtsch.
Name acc. to:
Flora of Uzbekistan, 2 ed., vol. 1: 41-42 (2017); Conspectus Florae Asiae Mediae, vol. 2: 85 (1971)
Confuse with:
Allium altissimum Regel
soft slopes, river valleys in montane zone, 1800-2500 m.s.l.
Bulbous perennial. Bulb ovoid to subglobose, 3-7(10) cm in diam., 4-8 cm long; tunics yellowish to brown, parchment-like, later blackish and disintegrating. Stem straight, terete, smooth; 60-120 cm tall, 6-15(20) mm in diam. Leaves 3-6, 40-60(70) cm long, 3-9 cm wide; broadly oblong-lanceolate, rather stiff and straight, near base very thick and canaliculate, upper part thinner, nearly flat; glabrous, upper side smooth or later with narrow fine grooves, the lower side with broad and flat ribs; dark green with strong glaucous bloom, basally maroon flushed. Spathe membranous, completely divided into 2-3(4) ovate, long acuminate valves, mostly shorter than the pedicels; brownish with inconspicuous veins. Umbel initially semiglobose finally ± ovoid; very dense, many-flowered; 6-12 cm in diam. Pedicels subequally long. Perianth bowl-shaped to flat star-like; tepals ovate-lanceolate, concave, with subacute plicate tip, patent, later recurved and crumbled; 9-10 mm long, basally 2-2.5 mm wide; deep pinkish-lilac to pale violet with darker or greenish, slightly keel-like median vein. Filaments initially as long later longer than the tepals; basally for 0.5 mm connate and outer filaments slightly, inner filaments broadly triangular widened, sometimes 2-toothed, above subulate; basally whitish, above pinkish violet. Anthers linear-oblong; 2-3 mm long, c. 1 mm wide; pale violet. Ovary stipitate, depressed globose-triangular, 3 mm long and 2.5-3 mm in diam.; surface finely but sharply papillous with smooth stalk; green. Style conical to thread-like, 4-8 mm long; pale to deep violet. Stigma undivided; white to violet. Capsule blunt double pyramidal with subconcave (near base subconvex) sides, up to 10 mm in diam., 6-8 mm long. Seeds 2-3(4) per locule, broadly ovate with rather sharp edges; surface finely reticulate lacunose, dull black; 3-3.5 mm long, 2.5-3 mm wide.
Habit (i)
Growth form:
perennial (i)
Size of plant:
from 600 mm to 1000 mm
from 1000 mm to 3000 mm
Parasite status:
no parasite/saprophyte (i)
Water or terrestrial plant:
terrestrial (i)
Flower (i)
Flower appearance and pollination:
attractive, animal-pollinated (i)
Flower colour:
pink (i)
purple to violet (i)
Perianth arrangement:
simple, similar (i)
Flower symmetry:
radiary, regular (actinomorphic) (i)
Flower form:
simple (flat) - Do not confuse with inflorescences as in some Asteraceae (i)
Sepal number:
none or rudimentary (i)
Petal / Tepal number:
6 (i)
Petal / Tepal fusion:
free (i)
fused at base (i)
no spur (i)
Stamen number:
6 (i)
Stamen fusion:
free (i)
fused with each other (i)
fused with a corolla (calyx in Thymelaeaceae) (i)
Style number:
Inflorescence (i)
Flowers in inflorescence (i)
Simple inflorescences (i)
Inflorescence type:
umbel (i)
Fruit (i)
Type of fruit:
capsule (i)
Shoot/Stem (i)
Spines, thorns or prickles:
absent (i)
Root / shoot below ground (i)
Storage in below-ground structures:
bulbs with roots on lower side (i)
Distribution (i)
Distribution (Phytochoria):
Western Tien Shan
Western Chatkal (Chimgan)
Distribution (Administrative regions):
Phenology (i)
Flowering Period:
Fruiting Period:
Plant Status (i)
Red list status:
2 - Rare, Endangered (Red Data Book of Uzbekistan, 2009) (i)