Determined as: | Alliaceae Allium aflatunense B. Fedtsch. |
Collected by: | Putschkova, July 1957 |
Herbarium: | TASH Acc. No.: sn |
Geogr. Region: | Ugam-Pskem |
Locality: | Western Tien Shan, Nauvalisay river valley, on the sandy-pebble right bank of the river. July 1957. Putschkova |
Coordinates: | 70.1082 (lon) 41.7806 (lat) |
Records for Allium aflatunense
Species photos for Allium aflatunense
Habitat photos for Allium aflatunense
Alliaceae Allium aflatunense B. Fedtsch.
Record about plant.
Determined as:
Alliaceae Allium aflatunense B. Fedtsch.
Detail information about Allium aflatunense
Collected by:
Putschkova, July 1957
TASH, Acc. No.: sn
Geogr. Region:
Western Tien Shan, Nauvalisay river valley, on the sandy-pebble right bank of the river. July 1957. Putschkova
70.1082 (lon) 41.7806 (lat)